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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  December 24, 2012 3:00am-4:00am PST

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>> great to be back. christmas in new york. this is fantastic. >> you love this, even as a west coast girl, you love being in the big apple. >> put on my scarf and mittens and went for a walk. sometimes it's 70s in l.a. it's not christmas. >> that sounds like heaven to me. perfect to me. >> welcome aboard. shift number two for you. you're here with us all week. >> all week long. paula faris is on assignment. that's why i'm filling in today. >> check paula out on "good morning america." coming up today, hear who's adding their voices to the gun control debate. our top story and you're going to see who is also sending a little christmas comfort to the children of newtown, connecticut. they're facing so many hardships of their own. >> it does not feel like christmas at all in that town. so whatever comforts that town right now. also this morning, a rather dire
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prediction about the fiscal cliff and what might happen when lawmakers return later this week. it's a pocketbook issue for all of us. >> some people are expecting to maybe go right over that cliff. >> more likely than a couple days ago. and later this half hour, the christmas edition of our insomniac play list. your favorites performed with an updated beat. putting a new spin on some of the old christmas classics. >> good to see ceelo hanging out with the muppets there. topping our news right now, the nra is not backing down from its call to place armed officers in the nation schools. >> congressman chris murphy whose district includes newtown calls it tone deaf and also revolting. >> reporter: from the brooklyn bridge in new york to the sidewalks of falls church, virginia, anti-gun protests are springing up around the country. the debate on gun control has also triggered a run on gun shows and gun stores. sales are soaring as people rush to buy assault weapons before a possible ban. >> we're completely out of the
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so-called assault weapons. so they're buying up everything. >> reporter: an abc news "washington post" poll show more americans continue to favor more restrictions on gun ownership. even sales of gun safes are shooting up. >> people are definitely concerned about the safety of their families and kids. >> reporter: a week after the massacre of those innocent children and adults in newtown, connecticut, the head of the national rifle association unveiled his plan, calling for every american school to have an armed guard. >> when that horrible monster tried to shoot his way into sandy hook school, that if a good guy with a gun had been there, he might have been able to stop him. >> we don't want to turn our schools into dodge cities. >> reporter: at least one school district in new jersey placed armed guards in each school over the governor's objection. >> you don't want to make this an armed camp for kids. i don't think that's a positive example. >> such an interesting debate. you feel like we have to do something to prevent another tragedy like the one we saw in
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newtown. but folks say you don't want to make campuses feel like police states. and can schools afford these days to put armed patrolman in every campus? or every door and school. you don't know where it's going to go from here. >> most people agree on the idea of high magazine clips. why would you need 50 rounds. but most people agree on new gun control after newtown, gun sales skyrocketing. one store in virginia saying they've been off the charts. they've never seen anything like that before. just within the last week. >> watching the head of the nra give that press conference on friday and subsequent interview over the weekend, he said we're open to all solutions but took any gun control measures off the table and said let's look at mental health and violence in our culture, but took off gun control. which seems to be against the grain of what the country is saying right now. most folks tend to favor restriction. we'll see what capitol hill does
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coming up in january. and in related news, gestures of love and support continue to flow into newtown this christmas. mara buckley says after hurricane sandy her son was given a teddy bear that helped him cope so she organized a toy drive called operation kid comfort. with the help of rockaway fire department, drove bags full of bears right there to newtown. >> that's the thing is our things are material. houses, cars and the stuff. and this is a loss that no one can really -- there's no words for the loss that this town is feeling. basically, we've had so much help, we wanted to pay it forward. and try to help somebody else. >> and over the weekend, men of the bridgeport sound tigers changed their names to honor the children murdered in that sandy hook tragedy. the hockey team donned all black uniforms with the names of the 20 schoolchildren right there on the back. >> an outpouring of support.
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overseas now to afghanistan. abc news learned a top navy s.e.a.l. commander has died. the death of 42-year-old job price is being investigated as a suicide. military officials say he died of a gunshot wound to the head. price was a member of s.e.a.l. team 4, which is a special navy warfare unit. commander price was from pottstown, pennsylvania. a senator from idaho is apologizing this morning after he was arrested for driving drunk. police in suburban washington say republican mike crepo was pulled over after running a red light sunday. he failed several sobriety tests, taken to jail and released on bond. he's expected in court in january. the veteran lawmaker says he takes total responsibility. another veteran on capitol hill was laid to rest in his home state of hawaii. in attendance, president obama. a 19 cannon salute was fired at
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senator inouye's funeral which took place in honolulu. the president and first lady, who are in hawaii on vacation right now, were among the mourners at the national memorial cemetery of the pacific. he died last week at the age of 88. only one week to go, and there's still no deal preventing the economy from going over the fiscal cliff. members of congress are pointing fingers over who is to blame for the lack of progress to prevent tax hikes and spending cuts. connecticut's independent senator joe lieberman expects congress to work right up to the new year's eve deadline. but he's not even sure that's going to be enough. >> it's the first time i feel it's more likely we will go over the cliff than not, and if we allow that to happen, it will be the most colossal consequential act of congressional irresponsibility in a long time. >> the president and congress are on short holiday breaks right now. due back later in the week. one possibility is a partial
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deal on taxes while putting off an agreement on spending, therefore kind of kicking some of the can down the road, once again. >> and that seems to be what congress is good at. no problem ever gets solved. there's no grand bargain. we heard that term tossed around. seems like we just do a little bit and then say oh, we'll get to it by summer and get to it by the fall. and nothing substantive really gets done. it's a sad state of affairs. this is the result of when folks cannot take off the partisan war paint and get something done. on both sides. >> on both sides. when you look at some of the polls that have come out and approval ratings for congress, it's awful. 20% for democrats and republicans. so you want somebody to step up to the plate. but it's all this right now. >> exactly. it doesn't get real until that first paycheck in january, everyone goes oh, this is why the fiscal cliff was important. that day is coming if they don't get a deal on this. in other news this morning, retail analysts blame worries of that fiscal cliff and other
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issues for a slump in holiday shopping. sales fell more than 4% during the second week of december. but overall sales should be up 2.5%. that's less than earlier predictions. retailers expect $258 billion in sales by christmas day. online sales, meanwhile, are up more than 8% on saturday to an estimated 48 billion. you done with your shopping? or are you so slow like me? >> i am done. i got most of it done. my husband is going to have to finish it off for the rest of the family because i don't have anymore time. >> you're working overnight. perfect excuse. >> and he's happy to do it. while you're out and about with the family, mother nature is getting into the holiday spirit with christmas lights of her own listen to this, jupiter and the moon will be in conjunction tomorrow evening, but they're already close together in the sky. and bright enough to be visible around the world, even in big cities. >> and with a home telescope you'll be able to see the storms
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on jupiter and the four largest moons, as well as the mountains and the craters there on the moon. even with the naked eye, believe it or not, you'll still be able to check out this very cool show. >> hopefully the weather is holding up and it's not going to be cloudy. while this is all happening, you can check it out. >> west coast having some tough times weather wise. coming up next, some last-minute high tech advise for you last-minute shoppers out there. and a baby boy considered a holiday miracle. he was born after a delicate operation while he was still in his mother's womb. you're watching "world news now." omb. you're watching "world news now."
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♪ welcome back, everybody. an early christmas miracle for parents of a newborn. >> the baby's life was saved by a new operation performed before the baby was born. here's dr. richard besser. >> reporter: what you're seeing is a miracle in motion. just a few minutes old, you would never guess this baby had an operation on his heart months before. a patient while still in his mother's womb. 20 weeks pregnant, katrina had received devastating news.
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>> she was carrying a fetus that had an absence of development of the left side of the heart. >> reporter: doctors at the children's hospital of philadelphia wanted to perform an operation on his heart, just the size of the grape. they had tried before. but none of these little patients made it to their first birthday. >> we held on to the glimmer of hope that maybe it was going to be this experimental procedure that would maybe give him a little hope. >> reporter: on this ultrasound, you're seeing the needle pass through mom's belly into his heart where doctors inserted a tiny stent. doctors wouldn't know how successful they were until three month later when he was born. every cry, a welcome sound. and remember how we told you that no child had ever lived to 1? take a look at this. ♪ happy birthday to you >> reporter: what are your dreams for him? >> grow up, have a family of his own.
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yeah, just grow old like the rest of us. >> reporter: a little fighter, looking forward to many more birthdays. dr. richard besser, abc news, east greenville, pennsylvania. >> cute kid and a lucky one. the heart, the size of a grape. incredible. the medical skill to pull that off, just amazing. certainly a wonderful christmas for that family. that is so good to see. still ahead, sunny hostin is here with advice for all of you high tech holiday shoppers. >> if you can't decide which tablet to buy for that geek on your list, stick around because we're going to point you in the right direction. you're watching "world news now." "world news now" continues after this from our abc
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♪ tablets are the hottest tech items this holiday season, but there are dozens to choose from. how do you decide which one to buy? well, abc tech contributor tina trinh is here this morning to help us through the maze. good morning. >> good morning, sunny. look at all the options we have. >> there's so many options. probably the most popular is the apple ipad mini. a lot of people are thinking about that one. it's great, because they basically took everything you love about the ipad and shrunk it and put it into this much smaller package. it's super affordable. you can take it anywhere. super light. everything you love about apple's regular ipad, now much
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more portable factor. factor. >> at a fraction of the cost? >> almost. it's $330, but goes up from there. not bad. but you can do better, i think. these two guys are my top pick for best tablet on a budget. >> really? >> and they have a way better screen resolution. this is the barnes & noble nook hd and this is google's nexus 7. so both run on a different operating system. if you're open to maybe moving away from apple and trying out androids, these are two android tablets that are super functional. they do everything a good tablet would do. >> what about the cost in comparison to the ipad mini? >> $199. >> that's significant, that's significant.
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>> same price for both of these, $199 versus $329. if you're open to trying something new, check out the barnes & noble nook hd or nexus 7. >> about these? these are larger. >> yeah. if you want a little larger screen, i like samsung galaxy. i like this one. the reason why is because it comes with a stylus they are calling the s pen. this is an amazing -- >> it's like the palm pilot all over again. >> if you're more comfortable with taking notes with something in your hand, this is a great one. it can recognize over 1,000 different levels of pressure, so the harder you press, the thicker the line is. >> you can draw on it, as well. >> if you're a creative type and you love doodling, even just basic note taking, this is a good pick. nice, big screen. >> what about these two? >> a lot of people are on the fence with tablets. they're thinking if they can get any work done on it. if you're thinking that way, you
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might want to consider the windows 8 tablets that are out right now. this is the samsung tease smart pc. and this is microsoft's newest surface tablet, which is great. it has a little key pad. and the best thing about these two guys here is you have microsoft word, excel, power point, everything you need to get work done. >> for those who want to work and not necessarily play. and a lot of techies will say windows 8 doesn't have a lot of apps in their app store but the programs are the killer apps and these guys have optional keyboards that you can use and type. >> excellent. thanks to abc's tech contributor tina trinh for the advice. and for another look at all these products, check out our facebook page you're watching "world news now." ♪
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♪ it's so important to make someone happy ♪
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when you give a child a toy, it has to work. ♪ make just one someone happy and when it's a toys for tots child, well, what could be more important? so this year, every hasbro toy donated to toys for tots
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will be powered by duracell. happy holidays. duracell with duralock. trusted everywhere. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. gun control
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>> you admit you were a big boys 2 men fan back in the day. >> you found a version. >> that's right. we have a music department. they know what they're doing up there. little boys 2 men, take you back to the '90s. >> in our holiday edition of "insomniac play list," radio deejay ben harvey is playing christmas songs with an alternative beat. >> you love everything about the holiday season except you're so sick of hearing the same songs
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over and over and over again. ♪ all i want for christmas is you ♪ >> there's something for everyone, depending on what mood you're in. if you hate all christmas songs because they're too sassy and happy. how about this one? "seasons upon us" by the drop kick murphy. they're an irish/american band from massachusetts and this is from the upcoming album "signed and sealed in blood." it's all about family dysfunction and mayhem, mixed in with brandy and whisky and eggnog. ♪ the season is upon us, it's that time of the year ♪ ♪ brandy and eggnog there is plenty of cheer ♪ ♪ lights on the tree and wreaths to be hung ♪ ♪ mischief and mayhem and songs to be sung ♪ >> not the feel-good song of the season, but it's definitely worth a listen. >> if you're in a more
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traditional mood there's train "joy to the world." ♪ joy to the world the savior reigns ♪ >> it's from a christmas compilation called "a very special christmas, 25 years." proceeds benefit the special olympics. if you want to feel like a kid all over again, all you need is ceelo and the muppets. ♪ all i need is love christina aguilera makes an appearance, as do the muppets themselves. just look for the cover, called "magic moment." ♪ >> i think the muppets hit a new low. >> and yeah, and his first name is c. >> got to love the muppets. that brings us to our facebook question of the day.
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>> what is your favorite holiday song and why? let us know at and spread the cheer. we'll be right back.
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this morning on "world news now," pointing fingers while taking aim at gun control laws. the debate reaches a new intensity after the newtown tragedy. >> as the nra and gun rights advocates explain their renewed positions. it's monday, december 24. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning. merry christmas eve. i'm brandi hitt in for paula faris. >> i know you're thrilled to be working overnights this christmas weekend. >> great to be in new york. >> you're an l.a. girl in new york and you love the cold weather here. you've seen all the lights and
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the trees. so you're enjoying the big apple. >> beautiful. >> good to have you back. i know it's tough working the holiday week. thanks for sticking it out with us. >> you make it easy. >> i try, i try. it's the vodka. shut up, willis. good morning, everybody. happy christmas eve again. the debate over firearms will not subside. that's for sure. as the nation celebrates this holiday season, that is our top story. also this half hour, this story kind of really blew my mind here. no one saw this coming. some post-election comments from inside mitt romney's family, the comments raising a lot of political eyebrows. his son gave an interview to "the boston globe," the newspaper, and unexpected is definitely the word. we'll get into that coming up in just a second. also coming up, the controversial call on "wheel of fortune" that has viewers and a contestant expressing outrage. hear what happened during a final round of the game show that led to disappointment, to say the least. it all has to do with how you pronounce a word. >> being punished for her southern accent.
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i don't like that. i think she has a legit case. we'll get to that. coming up later, the hollywood heartbreak story that won't reach its final chapter. demi moore's latest divorce demand from ashton kutcher. quite an eye opener. details on that and much more celebrity goodness coming up. stay tuned for that. but first, hundreds of people held a candle light vigil on new york's brooklyn bridge in honor of those who died in the connecticut school shooting. >> the names of the victims were read aloud at the center of that span as the protesters called for stricter gun control. with the heated debate, here is abc's david kerley. >> reporter: the nra stuck by its guns, that every american school should have an armed guard. >> if it's crazy to call for putting police and armed security in our school to protect our children, then call me crazy. >> nra has blood on its hands. >> reporter: amid protesters and refusing to take questions, the
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head of the nra unveiled this plan, belittled by some. wayne laperriere finally defended himself. >> when that horrible monster tried to shoot his way into sandy hook school, that if a good guy with a gun had been there, he might have been able to stop him. >> reporter: the murder massacre in newtown, connecticut, led even some nra supporters to call for control of guns and magazine clips. the nra and supporters who blame the media, entertainment culture and a lack of mental health care are having none of it. >> if you're saying the gun control debate shouldn't be part of this at all? >> sure. congress is going to debate this. i just think it's not part of the ultimate solution on this. >> reporter: at least one school district in new jersey will place armed guards in schools, to the disapproval of the governor. >> you don't want to make this an armed camp for kids. i don't think that's a positive example for children. >> reporter: our new abc news "washington post poll" shows a majority of americans continue to favor more restrictions on
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gun ownership. that may be the reason other americans are flocking to gun stores. shelves empty at this north carolina store. >> we've never seen anything like this. we have the christmas business, the hunting season business, and now we have the political business. >> reporter: wayne laperriere was pressed time again whether he would agree with one change on gun laws. he finished by saying the gun is a tool. the problem are criminals. david kerley, abc news, washington. and washington's other major problem is the fiscal cliff and yet no resolution just yet. the deadline for heading off tax hikes and spending cuts is now one week away. congress returns from a short holiday break on thursday and at least one senator expects negotiations to go up until new year's eve. one possibility is a partial deal on taxes and putting off spending for later. also new insight this morning into mitt romney's failed run for the white house. comments coming now from his
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eldest son. tag romney tells "the boston globe" that his dad never actually wanted the top job and he was reluctantly convinced to run for president. "he wanted to be president less than anyone i've met in my life" is what tag said, direct quote. he went on to say that his father is a very private person who simply does not like attention. that's a stunning remark, the money, the time, the scheduling, the scrutiny, the investment. the people around you who come along for the ride. if you don't really want it, why would you jump and devote two years of your life running for the toughest job on the planet? >> i was at the romney headquarters election night and i can tell you that when they learned he wasn't going to be president of the united states, he looked sad. he looked disappointed. he looked like somebody that really wanted this and it was not going to be. so just seeing the reaction and everything that went into it. and tag said that ann tried to convince him of this too, to run. and it was the two of them
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together. >> man of free will, he could have said no. you have to wonder, did he really not want to do it, or post election -- i didn't really want it anyway. brushing it off. i don't know how to interpret that. interesting article in "the globe" check it out for the full interview. >> definitely. in other news today, a veteran idaho lawmaker is apologizing after being arrested for dui in suburban washington. virginia police say republican mike crepo failed several sobriety tests and had a blood-alcohol level above the legal limit. he was released on $1,000 bond and he'll appear in court in early january. former president george h.w. bush may be spending christmas in the hospital. he's been there since thanksgiving battling bronchitis and a lingering cough. doctors say he's in stable condition but needs to build up his energy. he's been working with physical
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therapists to regain his strength. christmas prayers are going out to former south african president nelson mandela. south africans are sending warm wishes to the former leader. he's been in the hospital for more than two weeks with a lung infection and gal stone surgery, as well. he's in no imminent danger but doctors want to make sure before releasing him. the anti-apartheid icon is 94-year-old old. now we turn to britain, where thousands of christmas travelers are having a rough go today. flooding has shut down train service in many areas, especially in scotland, southwest england and south wales, as well. many highways there simply impassable. drivers have been warned not to travel unless absolutely necessary. and more rain expected later today. severe flooding is a problem in northern california. highways in sonoma county are under water, as well as some of the areas famous vineyards.
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and up in the mountains, up to four feet of snow expected to fall in the sierra nevada. it is the second wave of storms to hit northern california since friday. the rainy weather also grounded dozens of flights around the san francisco bay area. the san francisco international up to 30 flights have been canceled and many more delayed. that includes incoming and departing flights. just in time for holiday travel. >> as if the holidays aren't stressful enough with other things. now all that mess in the airports. good luck, everybody, getting around. while the west takes that beating, the gulf coast is bracing for tornadoes during this holiday week. >> good morning, andrew. >> much of the nation will be relatively tranquil for your holiday travels, our big unsettled area will be across portions of the south and the gulf coast especially. disturbance pushing through and strong thunderstorms late tonight in eastern texas, houston area into tomorrow. then louisiana, mississippi, alabama, georgia, looking at torrential downpours, hail and
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even the threat for tornadoes. rob, brandi? >> thank you, andy. not only is it christmas eve, it is national eggnog day. >> did you know? >> who knew? it's frothy, fattening, made from milk, sugar and spices. if it's homemade, it might be made with raw, unpasteurized eggs. but the commercial stuff like we have here is safe in cartons and made with the safe eggs, which is good to know. >> definitely. we're drinking the good stuff. >> can i get some of that? >> hey, the commish. >> there you go, dude. >> it gets a little messy. >> very nice. cheers. it's a party here. >> as you all well know, if you want something stronger, the brandy is in my desk upstairs. you know how we roll. >> my grandpa, that's the only way you got christmas eggnog if
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he is put in sometimes way too much brandy. you take a sip, way above 20 i promise. >> maybe it was in honor of his granddaughter, brandi. there you go. sometimes it's like, grandpa. >> we love you, gramps. good holidays. this is actually pretty good for the stuff we have here. well done, staff. salute, everybody. get some eggnog. we'll be back with more "world news now" right after this, everybody. don't go far. >> cheers. >> salute. i'm done!
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"are you a cool mom?" i'm gonna find out. [ female announcer ] swiffer wetjet's pads are better than ever. now they have the scrubbing power of mr. clean magic eraser so you don't have to get down on your hands and knees to scrub away tough, dried-on stains. hey, do you guys think i'm "momtacular" or "momtrocious"? ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer. now with the scrubbing power of mr. clean magic eraser.
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welcome back. you're almost done with your first glass. >> this is good. >> fill you up for round two. it's not as dire as the whole fiscal cliff situation, but there are a lot of people upset at the game show "wheel of fortune." >> this is a crazy story. it has to do with a contestant who guessed the right word, she got the whole thing right, but was told she lost because of the way she said the words because of her accept. here's abc's john muller. >> s. >> yeah, four of them. >> reporter: she was on a roll, cruising her way towards thousands of dollars on "wheel of fortune." >> n. >> three ns. >> reporter: renee can taste victory. she's got the winning answer. >> i would like to solve. seven swans a swimmin'. >> yeah, that's -- >> reporter: or so she thought. even the host has to backtrack.
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listen again as she drops her g, pronouncing swimming swimmin'. >> yeah. can't accept that. >> that's how i speak, you know, being from florida. i had asked for the g, so i knew it was there. violating the rules because it was spoken in vernacular. >> reporter: judges said it was the twitterverse lit up with outrage. "wheel of fortune" hates southerners. "wheel of fortune" game show cheated a contestant. >> if you start to sing the song, it's seven swans a layin'. >> reporter: even the other contestant couldn't believe what happened. >> do you know what happened? >> no. >> kind of spun the tone of the show and the momentum that i thought i had and then wound up costing me the show. >> reporter: while the judges may be grinches, they didn't feel our christmas spirit, even if she sings it seven swans a swimmin'.
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>> i had an absolute amazing experience. it's been so fun to see where i've been and what i've done. and what kind of internet footprint i have now. it's been such a whirlwind, i feel like i should be out with big sunglasses and a hat. >> john muller, abc news, new york. >> blown away. >> that's unfair. you knew what she was saying. >> you could hear it. >> bad call. i got two letters for you, pat, bs. i think it's the wrong call. i'm calling pat sajak out here. >> pat and vanna are listening, i'm sure. >> that's right. i'll put my two letters out there. can you get that puzzle, pat? coming up next, getting feisty on christmas eve. that's the nog talking. who's getting a very generous christmas gift from rihanna? >> demi moore has more demands in her high profile divorce, next. you need to get you another.
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"world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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♪ skinny, so skinny ♪ skinny, so skinny willis is back there going crazy. believe it or not, it's been more than a year, november 2011
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when ashton kutcher and demi moore announced they were breaking up. but apparently they're just getting around to officially filing for the divorce. apparently ashton took the first move and he filed his petition friday in los angeles superior court, citing the ever popular irreconcilable differences. apparently she's not signed the papers. guess why? because she wants more money according to tmz. that's why they have not signed -- she's not signed it just yet. but they're getting on with the business of the divorce. both are worth millions. >> is he worth more now? >> you would think with "two and a 1/2 men" that he's raking in a good chunk of change. money muddies the water especially in hollywood divorces. we'll see. ashton took the first step and is getting out there. of course, he's dating another lady love now.
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>> she's pretty hot, too. now to some scary moments for rihanna. there was a guy trespassing on the property where she was staying in barbados. and yeah, according to police, i don't think he was -- they think he was not a stalker, but just trespassing and maybe didn't know he was on the property. i don't know about that. but everything is okay. she's fine. the guy had already left by the time officers arrived. but on a side note, rihanna getting into the holiday spirit. donating $1.75 million to a barbados hospital in memory of her grandma. >> very cool. those are tmz photos there of just want to give tmz credit for those photos. interesting, though, there's your girlfriend rihanna, willis. >> i like that willis just chimes in on everything. >> she's all right. i'm sure you'll be her backup, willis. also here, gangnam style, went to youtube in july and is the first youtube video to hit 1
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billion with a b views. and off this one song he purchased a home in l.a., cash money, $1.25 million. and now has the youtube record. we can just move on and hopefully gangnam style will go out of style in 2013. how about that? >> we're over it. rolling stones' ronnie wood 65 years old just got married to this lovely lady who is 34. they just got married. congratulations. and they're going to start a family. so we could see a baby on the rolling stones tour with mick and -- >> wow. rolling stone, indeed. 64? >> 64 and 35. >> yeah, dude, he's a rock star. these how rock stars roll. can't hate him for that. this is a big story. >> we want to give a congratulations to our favorite weatherman sam champion. he got married last week to his partner, ruben. we're happy for them so much.
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it was a small ceremony here in manhattan in his apartment. and robin roberts who is still recovering from her transplant was there. looking great, bouncing back, the whole "gma" team there. so sending love to sam and his husband and to robin, as well. we'll see you soon, too. it's time to change the way we clean.
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it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health.
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♪ ♪ welcome back. finally this half hour, christmas gifts for people on your list who have, and we mean this, everything. >> of course, if money is no object, and we know rob can spend a little dough, we have some ideas sure to please. here's abc's dan harris. >> reporter: it's called simply enough, the christmas book. an annual catalog put out by the high end retailer neimann marcus. inside, you can find fantasy gifts, like a $50,000 personal blimp, his and hers robots, and even a flying car at the bargain price of $3.5 million. >> it's just fun to go through
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and say i would love to have this, i would love to have that. ♪ it's a hard knock life for us ♪ ♪ it's a hard knock life for us ♪ >> reporter: this year you can buy a walk-on role to the broadway hit "annie." a $350,000 sports car. or this -- a real-life jet pack. at a price of roughly $100,000, it will take you 30 feet in the hair at 30 miles an hour. this guy can do twists, turns barrel rolls and dive bombs. when i tried it, i inched along at five feet above the water. the more risk averse people on your shopping list, there's a $100,000 hen house. this looks like the french poodle of hens. here the 1% of the poultry world can cluck around in a coup fitted with a living room, modeled on the palace of versailles. is something like this wasted on chickens?
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the chandelier, the artwork. is there any evidence they're going to lay better eggs in this environment? >> no, but you as the farmer will be encouraged and inspired. >> reporter: fancy chickens do lay colored eggs, green and red. i tried one. it's really good. really good. i would definitely pay $100,000 for that egg. dan harris, abc news, new york. >> give it some gas, dan. give it some gas. >> the jet pack looks cool. we can all agree on that. the hen house, come on, now. >> you gave it a little gas to get up higher. >> thots how i get home from work every day. just float down central park west and i'm back home just like that. that looks like a good gift because that's something if you have that kind of money you can get into, you know what i mean? >> until you crash it. >> i don't have that kind of money. i need to borrow some from you, willis. merry christmas, everybody. this is abc's "world news
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now" informing insomniacs for two decades.
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making news in america this morning -- travel troubles on this christmas eve. >> millions of travelers are facing cancellation, delays, and the inevitable headaches with severe water stretching from coast to coast this morning. little time left to get your christmas shopping done, that is. a necessity for some. a way of lifer for others. the deals are out there waiting. also this morning, the national rifle association is standing firm behind its call for armed guards in every american school. and the criticism showing no signs of letting up. and a stunning decision involving a long-time employee and her boss. she was fired. wait until you hear who is sa


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